These web pages are meant to make and keep contact with Afrikaners and our cultural associates
who realize the threat of the implosion of South Africa
which will also result in the destruction of the Afrikaner people.
Independence and sovereignty over our own land is the only solution to prevent this from
The time has become urgent to finalise a demarcated area and prepare for Afrikaner self-determination where we can exercise political control over our own people while safeguarding our Western social, cultural and economic pursuits, keeping strict consideration of International Legal Requirements as well as of the South African Constitution.
I have extracted and translated these pages from the book by Cor Ehlers:-
" 'n Heimat vir Afrikaners: Die Tiende Provinsie",, eminent Afrikaner researcher
and specialist in Afrikaner Self-determination, and chairman of
OASE (Onafhanklike Afrikaner-Selfbeskikkings-Ekspedisie).
Unfortunately I have no translated copy available.
"Thank you Cor, for Your friendship and patience while faithfully sharing your time and knowledge with me over the years as my mentor."
Kind regards,
Jan Mastenbroek.
Briefly we talk about:-
Human Rights Violations to Afrikaners and their cultural associates,
and about Territorial Self Determination.
We know that Self-determination is a basic human right,
and explain the different levels of Self-determination and find
that Territorial Self-determination with historical ties over a territory
is the only solution for Afrikaners and their cultural associates.
We talk about The International Legal Position and find an Argument made in Ignorance.
We mention Solidarity's research of 30 Afrikaner growth-point towns by 2031 and notice that
80% of these growth points are already part of the suggested Afrikaner Heimat.
We look at the recent election results and compare these with figures from the Northern Cape.
It seems that the KhoiSan, according to International Legal Principles, have more rights over the Northern Cape,
and even if all Afrikaners would move into that area....
And then we close with something that often brings disagreement....
Human Rights Violations:-
The ANC ensured since 1994 that the nine provincial borders have been drawn in such a way that black and brown people
enjoy provincial autonomy but not the white people.
Afrikaners have thus been politically disempowered which is directly against the International Legal position
according to Article 1 of the “International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights”.
This political disempowerment has led to the fact that Afrikaners undergo
serious human rights violations since 1994 not only regarding to their mother language, but simply because
of the colour of their skin.
This provides strong grounds for claiming Territorial Self-determination on the basis of
International Law principles.
Territorial Self-determination:-
The Right to Self-determination concerns human rights, territory and the characteristics of states. The principles of Self-determination distinguish between “external” and “internal” variants of Self-determination.
External Self-determination is where a peoples within a geographical area enjoys full independence (sovereignty) over that territory on the basis of majority in numbers.
Internal Self-determination refers to the right of a peoples to enjoy different levels of political freedom or autonomy within the state. (own education, cultural affairs etc.)
Self-determmination is a basic human right (UN):-
The right that peoples have to self-determination is a legal right that is no longer disputed
in terms of international law. This is confirmed in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter (Art 1.55).
Self-determination for peoples basically became the supreme law in the hierarchy of International Law, while all other obligations became subordinate to that norm.
During a conference in 2013 of UNPO (peoples outside the UN) in Brussels, several levels of Self-determination were summarized:-
Level 1. Personal Self-determination:...
as is happening today under the Constitution of SA. This level of self-determination provides no protection for minority peoples trapped in a multicultural nation-state such as SA. Social, cultural and economic pursuits cannot be lived out and no political control can be exercised. "Doing-it-self" is part of this and is the lowest form of Self-determination. This is what the Solidarity Movement (Afriforum) has been doing lately.
Level 2. Group autonomy:...
is the type of Self-determination where a specific people or group(s) enjoys constitutional Self-determination on matters such as education and culture, and is a form of Internal Self-determination.
Limited forms of group autonomy will bring little improvement to Afrikaners' fate under black majority rule, as even provinces are centrally controlled in South Africa.
Level 3. Territorial or External Self-determination:-
David Ben Gurion, founder of the State of Israel, said that self-determination without a territorial basis is meaningless in every sense of the word.
It is important to realize that in the past the Afrikaner people enjoyed territorial self-determination in two independent Republics - the ZAR and the Orange Free State.
Which means: - that if we could identify land within that area under International Legal Principles where Afrikaners are still in the majority, the area will no doubt serve as the basis for Afrikaner Self-determination ...
The International Legal Position:-
In terms of International Legal Principles, majority occupation in an area is not a prerequisite for Self-determination, but permanent occupation is a criterion.
By demarcating territory where Afrikaners have been established for generations and where they have historically the strongest claim within the framework of International Law, hope is created for Afrikaners to achieve a sustainable future in South Africa.
one of the biggest issues about territorial self-determination for Afrikaners is the argument that we are too scattered and nowhere the majority occupiers .... That we remain in "pockets" and therefore cannot identify an area as our own ....
This is an argument made out of ignorance of International Legal Principles!
There is an area about the size of Austria, where approximately 1.5 million Afrikaners (+-50%) already live within a continuous territory, which can be demarcated to form an Afrikaner majority where the best chances for territorial self-determination can occur according to International Law requirements.
Remember:- By international law, boundaries can literally be drawn in such a way as to cut out unwanted areas and to include "our own pockets". For example, the border line can be drawn in Bloemfontein to include Afrikaner historical buildings and areas as well as Afrikaner "pockets" and exclude "other" areas.
Another example: somewhere between the Netherlands and Germany, the border line runs through a building. I'm not going to discuss its implications, it just shows what can and can not be done legally.
And also remember:- that "Borders" are in any case part of mandatory negotiations with the government of the unitary state.
In recent research...
by the Solidarity Research Institute (SNI) a projection is given according to current movement statistics on the demographic distribution of Afrikaners in SA by 1931. This shows that 74% of Afrikaners will be living into 30 growth points, and another 20% will be able to reach a growth point within two hours.
80% of these growth points are within, or are border towns of the area that OASE has already demarcated (proposed) and where, according to the projection, 1,275,000 Afrikaners will live by 2031.
This does not include the Afrikaners who live in the towns outside the growth points, nor the 500,000 who live in areas that are close to the OASE area.
Also, the numbers of English-speaking people or members of the Colored community residing in the area who have shown their satisfaction with an Afrikaner government by casting a positive vote are also not taken into account.
Recent Elections:-
The recent elections in which the Freedom Front Plus participated with Self-determination as part of its manifesto showed by analysis that approximately 250,000 votes came from the OASE-demarcated area.
The FF+ will have to draw at least 500,000 votes from the demarcated area, and 1 million national votes before the government will be willing to negotiate for self-determination of an area - 1/3 of the Afrikaner population would give the FF+ a strong hand to negotiate. Of that, close to 500,000 provable will have to be out of the area demanding Self-determination.As long as the FF+ has not received such a strong mandate from its constituents, they will also not be able to bind themselves to a specific area for understandable reasons .
The 13,500 votes that came from the Northern Cape, which included Orania, are too small for the purpose of negotiating with the government, while apart from that and for the sake of interest, Solidarity research showed that by 2031 there will only be about 2,000 inhabitants in Orania as a growth point....
And also...
According to International Legal Principles, the KhoiSan community has the “First Nation” (Original Residents) rights and thus has the strongest claim to territorial self-determination in the greater Orange River area (Northern Cape) because that is where they have been established for centuries and to this day live in majority.
The RSA government still does not recognize the "First Nations" right for the KhoiSan and consequently that no borders are drawn up, with the result that anyone today can simply move into the Northern Cape within the limits of the Constitution and anc-generosity to encourage expansion - as is happening today.
But even if...
all three million Afrikaners would move into the Northern Cape they would again be in political minority ... Added to that,
there is simply no reason why 1.5 million Afrikaners, who currently live and work in the OASE-demarcated area, owning homes or farms, would pack up and leave and once again expose themselves to a life in political minority, to an area with an overall lack of infrastructure and arid semi-desert conditions of the area!!
Who are Afrikaners?
The answer to this sometimes brings sharp division among our people.
By the second half of the 1700s, however, Afrikaners had grown into a new people (volk) in the Cape with
a clearly recognizable Western cultural identity.
*** For this reason, Afrikaners can gain control over territory under international law, provided they form an ethnic majority within a specific territory.
*** The word "boer" came about at the same time when free burghers were called that because of their farmer's way of life.
*** Today, "Boer" is spelled with a capital letter as if it were a political concept.
*** The fact remains that Afrikaners as a people (volk) are the Afrikaner people (volk) - "Boer volk" or "Afrikaner-Boer
volk'" are not internationally recognized terms, although the words "Boer" or "Boers" have gained a fair reputation overseas.
*** Unfortunately, there are Afrikaners who still cling to their white skin as a form of identity instead of being proud of Afrikanership as their identity.
*** The history of White Afrikaans speakers differs substantially from colored Afrikaans speakers, while
forcing all Afrikaans speakers under one umbrella is truly unrealistic.
The feasibility and sustainability of self-determination for a nation on independent territory has been
very expertly researched and published.
This new book on Afrikaner Self-determination is really recommended for those
who see Self-determination as a necessity but are not fully aware of the SA Constitution
or International Legal Requirements.
'n Afrikaner-heimat:- die Tiende Provinsie
by Cor Ehlers.
Following is a video introducing OASE, as well as a series of video conversations by Cor Ehlers, all in Afrkaans.
OASE: - Oanafhanklike Afrikaner-Selfbeskikkings-Ekspedisie (Independent Afrikaner Self-determination Expedition).
There is hope!
Introducing OASE.
"Who is Cor Ehlers?".
Cor introduces himself, explaining the need
to respect the Constitution and to follow International Legal Principles.
Follow the youtube channel.
Question 1 - where Self-determination is discussed as a basic human right.
What is Self-determiation?
Question 2 - Can anyone claim self-determination?
Claiming Self-determination
Question 3 - What are the steps to prepare for self-determination, and
what are the pillars on which preparation rests?
The pillars of preparation
Question 4 - Self-determination has several forms.
What is the difference between internal and external self-determination?
Forms of Self-determination.
Question 5 - What about groups in SA that claim to have completed 98%?
The effects of ignorance.
Question 6 - What is the role of the FF Plus?
The role of the FF Plus
Question 7 - Are international legal experts important and necessary?
International legal experts.
Cor mentions how his daughter Marieke earned her "LLM in International Law with International Relations" degree with Self-determination as the theme under the heading "Contemporary issues in the law of external self-determination and secession beyond decolonization and disilution ".
She received her degree with distinction from the University of Kent.
To better understand the International Legal principles regarding Afrikaner self-determination, it is advisable to see how she came to the positive conclusion in her dessertation that Afrikaners can indeed obtain External Self-determination.
Download here.